DANA'S BLOG November 2009 pt. 3
NOVEMBER 30, 2009
Just finished my novel at 10:00 p.m. tonight! Woo-hoo! 50,052 words and the story is complete! Ready to edit - maybe after December and a little break from writing. Whew!
NOVEMBER 29, 2009
Getting to the end of my novel, but not there yet! I still have 3690 words to write - tomorrow! A name from a dream I had while I was in Yakima ended up in my story (can you believe ths one?): Rolf Heinamakebottom. Hey, it's not my fault! I don't make these things up! Stay true to the dream!
NOVEMBER 25, 2009
On our way to my mom's for Thanksgiving! I hope I can get in some writing time, since I am not yet finished with my 2009 Nano novel! I am happy to be able to see Mom and my brother, though, and to eat turkey!
NOVEMBER 17, 2009
I love Dreamweaver. I'm SO glad I have it at home, since I no longer am allowed to use it at work! Let's throw out the dishwasher because you can get water from the creek in a bucket and clean dishes that way. It's a brand new bucket! It just takes a while to get used to it. Enough said.
NOVEMBER 16, 2009
Halfway through the month, and halfway through my new novel! I finally decided on the title, the only one that fits: "After The Great Devastation." (Click link to read an excerpt)