Danabooks: Books by Dana Pride


Nightmares of Murder front coverI finished the first draft (130 pages) at 1:30 a.m. on November 30th, the final day of National Novel Writing Month. This story takes place in one harrowing, event-filled week.

Main Character: Kori, who works in a TV station in North Dakota

Her cat: Tundra

Her friend: Rose, one of the news reporters

Friendly co-workers: Maureen, Brad, Barry, Snorty

Problem Co-worker: Jim Smith

Neighbors: Theo and Mother Florence

Summary: Kori is having terrible nightmares - nightmares that she has murdered someone - so often that she can't sleep at all. Her lack of sleep is beginning to affect her life. Everyone has suggestions ... which one will help her?

Now available to order through Everlasting Publishing