Danabooks: Books by Dana Pride

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Character Quote:

"I can't do anything about it. Tomorrow today will be yesterday and you can't change the past."

--Richard Stonier

So How Is That a Bully? CoverSO HOW IS THAT A BULLY?

Monica is working under a supervisor, Richard Stonier, who, in addition to being incompetent, seems to be discriminating against her. Her loving husband, Pierre, is a wonderful balancing factor in her life, even though he hints that she is obsessing about her problems at work. Her situations go from bad to worse, and when Monica tries to help a woman in distress whose children are missing, somehow things turn around so the finger is pointing at Monica!

Monica LeFleur, intelligent, kind, frustrated
Pierre LeFleur, her husband
Richard Stonier, her boss
Haddon Hanson, co-worker
Lana Anderson, co-worker
Laura Lewis, co-worker
Martin J. Groth, guest presenter
The Chief, CEO of the company


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